Number Series - Reasoning for Postal / Sorting Assistant Exam

  1. 0, 2, 6, 12, 20, 30, ?

  2. A.) 44B.) 48
    C.) 46D.) 42

    Answer: Option 'D'
  1. 15, 51, 105, __.

  2. A.) 501B.) 505
    C.) 15D.) 51

    Answer: Option 'A'
  1. 18, 10, 6, 4, __.

  2. A.) 2B.) 3
    C.) 5D.) 7

    Answer: Option 'B'
  1. Find the wrong number in the series. 

    1, 2, 6, 15, 31, 56, 91

  2. A.) 31B.) 15
    C.) 56D.) 91

    Answer: Option 'D'

    The difference od the two consecutive numbers are

    1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 35.

    +12, +22, +32,+42,+52,+62

    Here 35 is is wrong. wrong answer 91
  1. Find the wrong number in the series. 

    2, 5, 10, 17, 26, 37, 50, 64

  2. A.) 5B.) 26
    C.) 64D.) 17

    Answer: Option 'C'

    12 + 1, 22 + 1, 32 + 1 ..........82 + 1 = 65

    But 64 has been given here. So our wrong number is 64
  1. What will be the next term in? 

    ZAM, YBL, ----, WDJ, VEI

  2. A.) XCKB.) UFH
    C.) ZACD.) PFD
    Answer: Option 'A'
  1. What will be the next term in? 

    G, T, I, R, K, P, ___,___

  2. A.) M,NB.) O,P
    C.) Q,RD.) S,T
    Answer: Option 'A'
  1. What will be the next term in?

    GHB, KLF, ___, ___, WXN

    C.) OPH,STKD.) None of these
    Answer: Option 'C'
  1. What will be the next term in?

    HLK, XTQ, KON, ___, NRQ, RNK

  2. A.) EQNB.) ROK
    C.) XURD.) PMJ
    Answer: Option 'A'
  1. Fg_j_g_jf_g_

  2. A.) FGGJB.) FJGG
    C.) FFGGD.) FGFG
    Answer: Option 'A'

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